“To know Pastor Eric is to love him,” admits Chris Nesbitt. “He brings so much to this ministry. He has a very clear apostolic and prophetic anointing, and the Lord also uses him mightily for healing and deliverance.”
“Pastor Eric carries the joyful, loving, powerful presence of God,” shares Steve Hertzog. “He’s running the race as a true servant and laid-down lover of Jesus.”
Chris adds, “He’s an excellent linguist, and his wit and humor — in any language — keep us in stitches!”

“I believe this ministry has come to Costa Rica as part of a new beginning for our churches,” shares Pastor Eric. “I’m expecting a revival in my country!”
CRSSM couldn’t be happier with the team God has put together, and is grateful for Eric Lopez in particular. Steve relates, “I’m proud and honored to call him friend and ministry partner.”
Read more about Pastor Eric, his background and his role with CRSSM on our website under About.